Meet and work with artist

The 10th Muir Trust Artist in Residence to work from Bucks County Museum will visit local wildlife areas for inspiration and will host workshops and weekly open studio sessions.
Artist Lorraine IzonArtist Lorraine Izon
Artist Lorraine Izon

Lorraine Izon is a creative potter, painter and printmaker based in East Anglia, and she takes her inspiration from the shapes, forms and patterns found in nature.

Her current work focuses on bird forms, where her simple yet strong shapes allow birds to come alive through intricate patterns and textures. She will draw nature diaires at local wildlife areas from which new sculptural pieces will emerge.

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She is in residence at the musem in Church Street, Aylesbury from now until Friday August 21.

She is planning a community project whereby musem visitors can make tiles inspried by nature, which will all be combined into a single piece of group artwork for the museum.

Visitors are welcome to visit Lorraine during her free weekly open studio sessions from 1-5pm on Wednesdays starting today and throughout August until August 19.

She will also hold a day long workshop for adults from 10.30am-3.30pm on Saturday August 8 when participants will be able to design and make their own wildlife inspired clay sculpture, making use of various hand building and decorating techniques. This will cost £25 per person including materials and firing costs, and needs to be booked in advance on 01296 331441.

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At the culmination of her residency she will give a talk about that and her career from 10.30-11.30am on Friday September 4 at the museum. Tickets £5, book in advance. A selling show of her work including pieces produced for the residency will open the day after and run until Saturday October 3.