Throat cancer survivor has found his voice again, and will perform in aid of Shelter at Aylesbury's Queens Park Arts

Ray CoatesRay Coates
Ray Coates
In 2008 Ray Coates was undergoing treatment for throat cancer, and his voice had all but disappeared.

But in a remarkable journey, which has seen Ray beat cancer, get his voice back and go on to release music and appear in a number of acting roles, the driving instructor from Aylesbury really has grabbed life with both hands.

And on November 10, Ray will host a night of original music, where a brand new single entitled The Voice Within will be launched.

The single is a new version of Ray's original song, sung by upcoming performer Zoe Evans and all proceeds from the evening will go towards releasing the single in aid of the homelessness charity Shelter.

Zoe Evans in the studioZoe Evans in the studio
Zoe Evans in the studio

Zoe herself has experienced homelessness and received help from Shelter, and Ray believes that the impactful lyrics of the song are as applicable to this adversity as they are to his cancer journey.

He said: "In 2008 I had no voice due to throat cancer surgery and treatment!

"I am now trying to use my voice for the greater good. I am performing a live musical evening of some of my original songs on November 10th at Queens Park Art Centre Aylesbury (show begins at 8pm).

"This is to raise awareness, funds and to promote release of our Christmas Charity Single ‘The Voice Within’ for Shelter.

"The song was written with the intention of creating a connection, dedication to anyone who has ever felt isolated and disconnected! The song is not solely about my throat cancer experience."

He added: "Therefore, when I heard Zoe Evans' version, I knew where ‘The Voice Within’ would live! Charity begins at home, what about those who do not have a home?! Join me for a truly uplifting, entertaining and meaningful evening."

To find out more about Ray go to

Tickets for the event cost £10 or £8 for concessions. They are available by calling Queens Park Arts Centre on 01296 424332