A most unusual event is coming to the County Museum this month..

Structured Disasters present 'Rack Screams'Structured Disasters present 'Rack Screams'
Structured Disasters present 'Rack Screams'
On Saturday March 25, 'Rack Screams' will be performing their unique brand of innovative soundscapes at the Bucks County Museum.

This is a return visit for the ensemble following their successful concert at the museum back in October last year.

However, expect something much different this year as the group is back bigger with a further expansion of instrumentation and new compositions.

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As group member Dan Gregory explains “Rack Screams has been around for a year now, the players themselves have grown and the interactions between them has changed. Something remarkable is happening within this group and its scope continues to expand into new soundscapes.”

In addition to this weekend’s concert, Structured Disasters have presented recent shows at Hundred Years Gallery in London with Hull’s avant-vocalist Yol and this month Lust Rollers played Peckham’s Sonic Imperfections.

Further venues in London have been secured for concerts and collaborations in April (with percussionist Terry Day), June (with extreme vocalist Sharon Gal) and September all showcasing Aylesbury musicians and artists.

The group for Saturday comprises Adrian Dollemore playing effects driven guitar. Spinecakes, Alec McGrory and Jake Mounsher on electronics. Aylwin and Dan Gregory focusing on found objects and junk. Painting/film from local artist Joanna Beck and Mark Browne on saxophones and percussion, and providing the composition.

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The performance starts at 2 pm and runs until 3:30 admission is free. Arrive at any time, stay for a while and see the rest of what the museum has to offer. Although hard to describe or predict, expect to hear exotic sounds, drones, noise, Jazz and Rock. Always something new and exciting.

For a taster of this amazing group, visit: https://structureddisasters.bandcamp.com/album/rack-screams