Lone Tree Junction petition reaches 2000 signatures

Thornborough junctionThornborough junction
Thornborough junction
A petition to add additional safety measures to the A421 junction in Thornborough has gained over 2000 signatures

A petition to add additional safety measures to the A421 junction in Thornborough has gained over 2000 signatures after a father Anthony Upton was killed as he drove to work.

The petition appeals to the council to put a roundabout on the junction, as safety concerns mount for drivers who use the road. Anthony Upton from Adstock died while traveling to Milton Keynes last week.

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Following the tragedy an online petition organised by Amie Crouch gathered more than 800 signatures in six hours, the figure continuing to rise ever since. Police are appealing for witnesses to the collision that involved a heavy goods vehicle and a Volkswagen Golf on November 4.

On facebook, Kate Mac wrote : “I will not let my daughter drive on Thornborough at all until something has been done about the Lone Tree Junction. I feel so sorry for the driver who lost their life and send my sympathies to the family and friends.” Diane Moss added: “How many more accidents fatal or with life changing injuries have to occur on the A423 and A421 before things change? There needs to be a significant change in both roads to reduce speed and to calm traffic at all of the local junctions. Both roads are lethal and need to be changed to ensure no more lives are lost.”

Helen Fisher commented: “My brother Vince was killed in a car accident there in 1990 so this petition means a lot to me. Please sign and share.”

Mark Cole from Buckingham Town Council said: “Thornborough has been pushing for years to get a roundabout , but Transport for Buckinghamshire say it’s not a black spot, despite one previous fatality and a number of serious injury accidents over the past decade. The sooner the east-west expressway comes the better.”

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