New photo collection showcases Wendover in all its glory

Photo from 2008 showing the war memorial in the centre of Wendover - photo by J FitzgeraldPhoto from 2008 showing the war memorial in the centre of Wendover - photo by J Fitzgerald
Photo from 2008 showing the war memorial in the centre of Wendover - photo by J Fitzgerald
A group of photographic enthusiasts have launched a new album of images showcasing Wendover in all its glory.

The collection, entitled 'The Wendover Album' has 74 new photos from across the town over the past ten years.

Among the locations shown are the town centre, the memorials, historic buildings and Wendover Woods.

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Each image is captioned with interesting details, while some of the photos have historical links, and others depict locations that will be affected by the proposed ‘cut and cover’ tunnel for the HS2 railway.

Chilterns Society PhotoGroup chairman Barry Hunt said: “We want to form an archive for the generations to come.”

The group was established in the 1960s and has around 7,200 photos from over 250 locations across Bucks, Beds, Herts and South Oxfordshire.

If you would like to obtain any photos please note down the image's unique file number and e-mail either Barry Hunt on [email protected] or Quiller Barrett on [email protected].

If you would like to browse the photo album visit

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