132 parcels of Christmas gifts delivered to asylum seekers in Buckingham

Some of the shoeboxes collected by Buckingham WISome of the shoeboxes collected by Buckingham WI
Some of the shoeboxes collected by Buckingham WI
Residents and local businesses stepped up to donate items in response to a Buckingham WI member’s appeal

A Buckingham woman who appealed for Christmas gifts for local asylum seekers, received so many donations she ran out of room in her house.

Inspired by memories of the shoe boxes she and her classmates once filled for members of the Armed Forces serving overseas at Christmas, Buckingham WI member Lucy Horwood decided to launch an appeal for shoeboxes containing Christmas gifts for the refugees living at Buckingham’s Best Western Hotel.

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As the 132 men are not allowed to work while they wait for their asylum appeals to be processed, Lucy felt the days must seem long, so her Facebook posts suggested donations of games as well as treats such as chocolate and practical items including gloves, scarves and umbrellas to fend off the British weather.

The Well Street Centre stepped in to accept the parcelsThe Well Street Centre stepped in to accept the parcels
The Well Street Centre stepped in to accept the parcels

Generous Buckingham residents and local businesses rose to the challenge and, as the parcels started to come in, Lucy quickly realised that her house wasn’t big enough.

The Opportunities Centre on Well Street kindly stepped in to accept all the gifts and, with minutes to go before the deadline, 132 boxes were collected and delivered to the hotel.

Lucy said: “Everyone deserves to be shown care and compassion, regardless of their circumstances, and I’d like to thank all those who so generously responded, especially in the current climate.”

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Buckingham WI meets at 7.30pm on the third Wednesday of the month at Buckingham Athletic Sports & Social Club, except August. Visitors are always welcome, for £4, including tea/coffee and cake. For more information email [email protected]