Council leader's thanks to the Aylesbury public for staying in during the Easter weekend

Buckinghamshire Council leader Martin TettBuckinghamshire Council leader Martin Tett
Buckinghamshire Council leader Martin Tett
Buckinghamshire Council leader Martin Tett has said a big thank you to the people of Aylesbury for staying in during the Easter break.

In an email to residents, the leader of the newly formed Buckinghamshire Council expressed his gratitude to the thousands of people who have taken the Government's coronavirus lockdown seriously.

He said: "I hope as many of you as possible enjoyed a ‘different’ kind of Easter weekend this year.

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"I am extremely grateful to all Buckinghamshire residents who are keeping up the crucial social distancing measures and who are staying home, other than for essential journeys. Keeping this up is vital as we continue these measures to slow down the rate of infections and to ultimately save lives and protect the NHS."

And Mr Tett also stressed the importance of asking for help if you need it during these difficult times.

He said: "I want to keep reminding everyone about our online community support hub if you need any advice or support, or know of a vulnerable person who does. Go online for all the latest information on local support networks available across the county at:

"Also use the Buckinghamshire Council website for all the most recent updates on our services: Follow us on Twitter, Instagram or like us on Facebook too for up to date information."

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Keeping in touch with vulnerable people was also high on Mr Tett's agenda in the bulletin, and he explained what the council is doing to support those in need.

He said: "Our Adult Social Care team is one of many of our essential frontline services that is carrying on looking after people during this emergency. The priority for the team is to make sure vulnerable residents are safe and are getting the support they need.

"One of the ways we are doing this is by making phone calls to over 1,200 vulnerable adults already using our services. This means we can check in on them and assess their needs. Over half are getting calls every day, and everyone gets at least two phone calls a week.

"We are also contacting any other residents who may be vulnerable where we know about them, for example through the NHS national referral scheme or through local contact.

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"This emergency can make our vulnerable residents even more vulnerable. If you are concerned about a vulnerable person or think they may be at risk please call us on 01296 383 204."

And it was also important to the council leader to say thank you to our local businesses, who have stepped in to offer help and support, despite facing troubling challenges themselves.

Mr Tett added: " We’ve had an absolutely brilliant response from local businesses offering support in so many different ways to help local health and public services. Here are just some of the outstanding examples:

"Buckingham University is making visors using their 3D printer

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"3D Print World in Aylesbury are printing personal protective equipment

"ANT Telecom in Bourne End is offering free welfare checks for home and lone workers

"The British Honey Company based near Oakley, which usually makes gin and vodka out of honey, is using spare capacity at its distillery to make hand sanitiser ingredients

"Griffiths Brothers gin distillery in Amersham is making and donating hand sanitiser to local health centres and GP surgeries

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"The Seven Stars pub in Dinton has turned itself into a community shop

"Orchard View Farm, also near Dinton, has teamed up with a local food shop to deliver essential supplies to the local community within a 10 mile radius

"Rumsey’s Chocolate Shop in Wendover has given chocolates to Stoke Mandeville and John Radcliffe Hospitals

"In Marlow you can order a Sunday Roast and have it delivered from Café Globe and chef Jack Blumenthal – who are donating 20% of all profits to the Meals for the NHS charity

"Well-known chef Tom Kerridge is sending food to staff at Wycombe Hospital and Wexham Park."