Trump's UK itinerary in full ahead of Friday's Aylesbury Vale visit

Donald Trump, US PresidentDonald Trump, US President
Donald Trump, US President
On the eve of Donald Trump's visit to Buckinghamshire tomorrow, we've put together the itinerary of his trip.

He will arrive tonight where he will be swooped up to Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, for a swanky reception with Prime Minister Theresa May.

Following this, he will stay over at Winfield House, the US ambassadors house in Regents Park where they will be hosted by Robert Wood Johnson.

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Despite efforts to keep protestors at bay, this could be a potential hotspot for them to gather.

A handy infographic of the trip's itineraryA handy infographic of the trip's itinerary
A handy infographic of the trip's itinerary

That's all for certain, but following this on the Friday he will again be jetted by helicopter to an "unspecified military site" to witness a demonstration of Britain’s defence capabilities before meeting up again with Ms May at Chequers, the PM's country estate in Buckinghamshire. It is not clear which site he will be helicoptered to.

Although again, despite best efforts to keep "The Donald" away from protests, an artist has made his feelings known with a giant crop circle with "f**k" in russian, followed by Trump.

More details here: Friday afternoon, they will head up to Windsor Castle – closed to the public for the day – to take tea with the Queen, who has met every US president (barring Lyndon Johnson) since 1945.

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Mr Trump will receive a guard of honour from the Coldstream Guards, inspecting the soldiers as they march by and salute.

While this is going on, marchers from the TUC, Stop the War, Friends of the Earth and Momentum will convene at the’s BBC headquarters in central London at 2pm. They will then march on Parliament Square. There is expected to be 50,000 protestors.

The now infamous "baby Trump balloon" will be flown in the square.

After meeting up with the queen, the president and his wife Melania will then jet off to Scotland, where they are expected to visit Mr Trump's golf resorts in Aberdeenshire and Ayrshire and stay at the Trump Turnberry luxury hotel.

We'll be covering Donald Trump arriving in Chequers tomorrow, follow @Sam_Btt and @bucksherald and keep your eyes on our home page for more details.